These significant benefits are also enhanced by the “Rain Resistant” and “Low irritant” formula. As it doesn’t contain alcohol (prevalent in most fly sprays) it won’t “sting” the horse. It can also be applied to surface wounds, minor cuts and skin abrasions to help prevent irritation and possible infection by nuisance insects.
Registered by the APVMA in Australia for over 40 years, extensive field experience has proven KURITCH to be a most effective solution for both preventing and healing distressing skin conditions caused by biting insects.
As well as KURITCH as a repellent, environmental management will also assist in protecting your horse.
Midges breed near stagnant water. As they don’t fly more than a few hundred metres from their breeding area, housing or paddocking your horses more than 500 metres from those areas will reduce their exposure to the flies.
Also rugging, hooding or stabling your horses between the hours of 4pm – 7am during spring and summer will limit the contact of the flies.
Should your horse already be suffering from the effects of allergic skin dermatitis, ensure you use QUIT ITCH to treat and relieve the effects of insect bites.
Since the 1970’s, QUIT ITCH has been an essential weapon in the fight against skin disorders in horses.
89g/L Citronella Oil
51g/L DiethylToluamide